
Monday, February 4, 2013

How to Add Adsense Codes Manually into Blogger (blogspot) blog

There are 2 ways to add Adsense to Blogger blog- one is manually add the Adsense codes, another is use the Blogger's built-in feature to add ads without touching the codes.

Add Adsense codes  manually is the most powerful way- it gives you the flexibility to add the ads to anywhere on blog- in the sidebar, inside post in any location and outside post anywhere.

Before adding Adsense codes, make sure your Adsense application  has been approved by Google. Check my previous post for details on "How to Get Adsense Application Approved by Google ? "

Manually Add the Adsense Codes

To add Adsense codes manually:

1. Login to your Adsense account, create a new ad with the proper size and color you want,  then generate the ad codes. Copy down the codes.

2. Important ! Prepare the Adsense codes for Blogger. You have to do this before adding the Adsense codes to template.

Go to Free Tools tab on the top for this site, paste your Adsense codes into the "HTML/Javascript Codes" box, then click on "convert" button under the box. Now your codes are ready to go.

Copy the ready-to-go codes in the box.

3. Login to your Blogger blog, start from Dashboard, click on Layout, choose location where you want to add ads, click on "Add a Gadget", from the pop-up list choose "HTML/JavaScript", paste the Adsense code in that gadget, save.

You can then drag that gadget to different location in the side bar, or drag to above the Blog Post, under the Blog Post- so the ads can be showing in anywhere you want. See above screenshot for the different locations.

Make sure to click on Save button at the top-right corner after you adjusting the position.

4. If you'd like to add ads inside every single post at the some position, you can start from the dashboard, go to Template->Edit HTML, to add the Adsense codes directly in to the template.

Note: this requires you know where to add the codes in the template. I will discuss the details later.

Another way to add Adsense ads

Also, you can use Blogger's built-in feature to add ads on blog without touching the codes. The only limit for this way is, you can't add ads to inside the post. Other than that, it's easy and convenient.  


  1. Nice post you have here. Thanks to you my worries got solved.

  2. Hi bro so its okay ill go to add gadget then add adsense ? is that okay will the ads appear ?

  3. Nice and important post. Thanks for it.

  4. I was actually looking for, how to add this manually to the HTML through the template editor. Cuz, there are some sections on the template where HTML widgets are not enabled on blogger. Anyways, thanks for the post
